Sunday, October 14, 2012


Long lost Friends! Missed you guys.
Do you hit moments where life seems to be getting faster and faster?
The faster it gets, the slower you move?
 That never-ending to-do list seems to get longer, and longer,
 to where there's no end in sight?
That's me lately. Times a hundred.
So I took that little "pause." A break, if you will,
to step back, organize, and re-prioritize some things.
I created this blog, this small space of expression, 
to share Jonathan and my's life together.
I never, ever want it to become a burden or another "item" on that to-do list.
With that spill out of the way, 
it is good to be refreshed and and get back to this little blog,
and the bits of "happy" it brings.
I leave you folks with another fall happening J and I decided to hit up: the fair!
You know we never pass up a chance to savor
some Southern fried goodness.
And for the record, we did not have the doughnut burger.
That's a little out of our comfort zone;)

 Fried Oreos. Get you some.

Have a blessed Monday!

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